Yoga Holidays & Retreats | Reiki Healing | Wellness


Being drawn to natural healing methods, I felt a calling to study and practice Reiki. Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing modality that is being carried out more and more around the world as a form of healing therapy and is now also acknowledged within modern science. It is also complementary to any other form of healing or medication. 

Reiki literally means Universal Life Force Energy, the essential force of nature acknowledged in many ancient traditions - known as Prana in Indian philosophy and in Chinese philosophy as Chi. A non-intrusive natural way of healing done via energy channelling by means of gentle touch through the hands of the therapist, to activate the natural healing process of the patient by moving the Life Force Energy in order to release and clear energetic blocks within all four bodies - the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. 

A Reiki healing session can be made to either focus on a specific health or emotional concern you may have to help speed up the process of any healing that is required, or it can be carried out as a more general healing working with the seven main chakras (energy centres) within the body to bring the chakras back into balance, to give an overall sense of wellbeing. As Reiki energy is all positive energy, receiving these positive vibes also helps let go of any negative thoughts and feelings that may be holding you back. Although one session of Reiki can make a big difference, regular energy healing sessions are advised to keep the chakras balanced and aligned. 

I call this healing ‘magical’ as it is sometimes difficult to comprehend how Reiki actually works and the feeling after the healing is magical for many, it’s a word I hear all the time around Reiki. No one healing is the same, everyone experiences the healings in their own unique way. This healing power is within all of us, I simply connect with and help activate the Universal Life Force in order to let the ‘magic’ happen! The general feeling after a session is that of harmony, relaxation, inner calm and bliss.  

Being a Reiki Level 2 Therapist means that I am able to share the power of Reiki both in-person and via distant healing; the intention is the same therefore both methods are just as beneficial. As the treatment is all natural it is therefore truly beneficial for all, no matter the age or health circumstance. 

You can view some testimonials from my clients here

1hr In-Person Reiki Session ~ £40 

1hr Distant Healing Reiki Session ~ £35 

*Book 3 sessions in advance and receive 10% discount 

(Sessions include approx. 15mins consultation time)